You can start making significant income and consistent profits from the financial market by simply starting with a little capital in your trading account under an experienced and skilled trader with … Full review by Cristian Alejandro Rodríguez
Apr 1, 2024
I am firm in my decision; no one will convince me to invest with any manager except Mrs. Donna Charles. In the past years of my involvement in cryptocurrency exchange, she has proven to be the best—r… Full review by Trudy Kumalo
Hey, I'm a university student undertaking an assessment in regards to the Powerhouse. For personal reasons im unable to go and see it myself unfortunately but if you don't mind I would really appreciate you answering a couple simple questions I have: 1. Inside, is each level divided into a certain art? Say for examply one level contains a range of paintings and the next is for performing arts and the next is for music or anything similar? 2. Did you find it would be difficult for local and unknown artists to be represented inside the powerhouse and show off their own art? 3. Do you believe the Powerhouse is taking advantage of the resources and range of creative talent? PS. As mentioned, I am asking in regards to a QUT Uni assessment so ANY feedback goes a long way. Kind Regards, Pat :)
Ok Pat 1. Not really sure. There is a space for live theatre and one for live music/ comedy - didn't pay attention to wall art - sorry - was running late. 2. I don't think so - from music …
Ok Pat 1. Not really sure. There is a space for live theatre and one for live music/ comedy - didn't pay attention to wall art - sorry - was running late. 2. I don't think so - from music performers and theatre performers. Not sure re art. 3. I think so