Every day, several speeding Amtrak trains slow down from a rip-roaring 110 miles per hour to a 30-mile-per-hour crawl as they ...
During the 19th century, the idea that the individual was responsible for their own health was widely accepted. Under this approach, politicians believed that the state only had limited ...
Some songwriters started writing poetry before segueing into song. Others will even say that most of their songs started as a poem, or inspired by the work of classic poetry, or poets. Videos by ...
This is a house at the height of the Art Nouveau design movement. Before writing this story, I had some idea of the Art ...
Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac, first published in 1732, the Horatio Alger stories of the 19th century, and the growing roster of 20th and 21st century writer-speakers following in ...
The markers, made possible through a grant from the William G. Pomeroy Foundation, will be installed at Forest Home Cemetery ...