The handsome black-headed grosbeak is the western counterpart to ... which sometimes migrates in large flocks. In fall, not uncommon to see several in a fruiting tree. Adults begin migrating ...
Males in most plumages unmistakable. Plumage of females and first-fall males is very similar to plumage of female black-headed grosbeak. Call: a sharp eek, squeakier than the black-headed’s.
Curiously, despite their similar beaks, these grosbeak bird species aren’t all related. Pine grosbeaks are fancy finches, ...
In mid-summer, the oak woodlands often resound with the insistent whining whistle of young Black-headed Grosbeaks begging for food. This is among few birds able to eat Monarch butterflies, despite the ...
like an improved version of the American Robin's voice -- is heard frequently in spring and summer. Where the range of this species overlaps with that of the Black-headed Grosbeak on the Great Plains, ...