Bodo Buschmann, CEO of the BRABUS Group, adds: "The cooperation with smart has developed extremely well in the past ten years. This means that BRABUS is not only a synonym for fast, but also ...
h. c. Bodo Buschmann, CEO of the German BRABUS Group. "In the past we have been approached by a number of our customers asking us to design and outfit their private jet. That's why in addition to ...
We wanted to dig deeper on this fascinating, opinion-splitting company, so we headed to Bottrop, Germany, to tour the Brabus factory with CEO Constantin Buschmann, before getting to drive a 900 ...
Wem die 571 und 630 PS (C 216) bzw. 585 und 630 PS (C 217) nicht genügen, greift auf die Umbauten von Brabus zurück. Das Team um Gründer Bodo Buschmann holt aus den Acht- und Zwölfzylinder ...