Former Republican State Rep. Tom Brinkman had planned to put a charter amendment on the November ballot that would allocate $600 million from the sale of the city-owned Cincinnati Southern Railway ...
Passenger rail enthusiasts in the Tri-State area were optimistic about the future of Amtrak service in Cincinnati following a ...
LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan. 1.--The collision on the Cincinnati Southern Railroad reported yesterday took place one mile south of Greenwood, Ky., on a 60-foot embankment midway between tunnels Nos.
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
If you live in the Hamilton–Fairfield area, you have most likely have passed under this railroad bridge crossing the Great Miami River countless times. Perhaps you have wondered as to why it was built ...
Till's story and the lasting impact of his mother's words have inspired the newest exhibit at Cincinnati's National Underground Railroad Freedom Center titled "Emmett Till & Mamie Till-Mobley ...
Another piece of Cincinnati has faded into history. A few weeks ago, my family and I made our last visit to EnterTrainment Junction, a delightful railroad-themed attraction in West Chester that ...
Cincinnati, Queen City of the West, focus of seven trunk railroads, sent 1,000 of its leading citizens to the capacious roof garden of its Hotel Gibson last week to dine with George Dent Crabbs ...