The third Duke of Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1682–1761) was one of the most powerful and influential men in Scotland as well as England but his overriding interest was not politics but botany.
John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll and 1st Duke of Greenwich, orator and soldier, was buried in Henry VII's chapel in Westminster Abbey on 15th October 1743. His grave is marked by a small lozenge ...
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whose stepdaughter the Duchess of Argyll was engulfed in scandal two years earlier. The aristocrat was accused by her husband, Ian Campbell, of taking 88 lovers. The Duke revealed what came to ...
On May 8, 1963, a provocative scandal came to a close, as judgement on the Duke and Duchess of Argyll’s divorce case was finally made. The case was a tabloid sensation which left the reputation of ...
In the 1715 rebellion the 2nd Duke of Argyll, John Campbell, led the government forces against the Jacobite forces. However, in this song, Burns alludes to the imprisonment of Mary Queen of Scots ...