A new study published Tuesday found drinking coffee in the morning may help people live longer compared to drinking the beverage throughout the day.
The team identified two coffee-drinking patterns: morning-only and all-day drinkers. The early-in-the-day drinkers -- those who drank their coffee between 4:00 a.m. and noon -- had a 16% lower ...
A new study suggests that it’s not only how much coffee you drink, but when you drink it that's important in lowering heart disease risk. People who drink coffee only in the morning are 31 ...
The nature of the study also means it only establishes an association, not a causal relationship between morning coffee drinking and early death risk. But the findings are “meaningful as the ...
Some people categorize the morning ritual of drinking coffee ... and a greater risk of early mortality. How was the study on coffee consumption patterns conducted? Reviewing research materials ...
After adjustment for caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee intake amounts, sleep hours and other confounders, researchers found one type of drinker had much better health outcomes. The morning drinkers ...
The time of day you drink a cup of coffee may lower the risk of an early death, new research suggests. The study found that people who drank coffee in the morning had a lower risk of dying from ...