George Eastman knew the value of advertising, and of a good trademark. "A trademark should be short, vigorous, incapable of being misspelled," he wrote. "It must mean nothing. If the name has no ...
Eastman Kodak Co. operates as a technology company focusing on imaging for business. It serves customers with disruptive technologies and breakthrough solutions for the products goods packaging ...
Kodak’s strategic use of its pension surplus, coupled with a focus on high-growth, high-margin segments, presents a compelling investment case. Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:KODK) is not on our ...
Gilson, Stuart C., John D. Dionne, and Sarah L. Abbott. "Eastman Kodak Company: Restructuring a Melting Ice Cube." Harvard Business School Case 216-006, August 2015 ...
Gilson, Stuart C., John D. Dionne, and Sarah L. Abbott. "Eastman Kodak Company: Restructuring a Melting Ice Cube." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 216-707, April 2016. (Revised February ...