Coagulation-fragmentation equations are mathematical models that describe processes where particles combine (coagulate) or break apart (fragment). These equations are essential in various fields ...
Using a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation ... behave in strange ways when they exchange their positions with the internal states of the particles transmuting during the process.
Neither, of course, are the most famous spin-½ particles — electrons and protons, which are electrically charged — their own antiparticles. So it is not obvious that we need an equation to ...
Using tools like the Yang-Baxter equation and advanced algebraic ... These systems, constructed in one and two dimensions, reveal particles with exchange properties that cannot be reduced to ...
The Kohn-Sham equations, derived from DFT, further facilitate this by introducing a set of non-interacting particles that approximate the behavior of real electrons in a system. In practice, DFT ...