Since Eastcott's phobia symptoms affected her most when ... For instance, if your fear of heights stems from an incident in which you fell out of a tree, physically revisiting that tree or ...
Plane accidents such as the collision above Reagan National Airport can trigger aerophobia, the fear of flying. Here’s how to ...
If a phobia is affecting your daily life, talk with a doctor or health care provider about getting help. For most people, ...
My fear of heights felt like a good place to start, and I wondered if my bravery at tackling this one would rub off on some of my other phobias. Who knows — maybe I'd even be able to get some sleep.
Phobias come in many different forms. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Aviophobia is the fear of flying. Felinophobia is the fear of cats. Myxophobia is the fear of slime. Xyrophobia is the fear ...
The fear of flying is a very real thing for more than 25 million people in the U.S. Recent air travel disasters like the deadly midair collision near Washington, DC can have far-reaching impacts, ...
When she was offered the chance to try the treatment to address her fear of exposed heights, Holland jumped at the opportunity. To treat Holland’s phobia, Kindt first had her climb inside a ...
The word phobia comes from the Ancient Greek god of fear, Phobos. The unveiling of ... People's attachments to their smartphones can reach dizzying heights - in 2016 one man even married his.
As one of the most common phobias, aerophobia affects more than ... in the air and not being able to get out. It could be a fear of heights, of becoming motion sick and vomiting, of contagious ...