The ability to tolerate toxic substances can help animals find new food sources and thrive in certain ecological niches.
But the fruit fly is much more than an annoying house guest. In fact, Drosophila melanogaster has been one of the most important species for science for more than a century. Were it not for these ...
How fruit flies mate may hold a key to limiting the spread of diseases by mosquitoes.
Evolution might allow for multiple optimal solutions, depending on the constraints and conditions under which an organism ...
The fruit fly Drosophila busckii can detect and thrive on toxic food sourcesThe ability to tolerate toxic substances can help ...
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has long been a model organism in neuroscience research due to its relatively simple nervous system and the wealth of genetic tools available for manipulation.
Transcription factors are proteins that can bind to DNA and affect the expression of genes; some are known as master regulators that can have a wide impact | Genetics And Genomics ...
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is well known as a fruit pest, especially in summer. It is widely used in research and has become one of the best established model organisms for the study of ...
Caitlyn Perry receives funding from the Australian Research Council. The common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), more correctly called the vinegar fly, is a frequent visitor to ripe fruit in ...
In this video, a male fruit fly (species Drosophila melanogaster) flaps its wings, creating a distinct "song" to attract a female. Mosquitoes have the same gene and a similar courtship ritual ...
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