A high MCHC can also be due to anemia, depending on the type of anemia you have. Hemolytic anemia may lead to an MCHC measurement above the normal range. Hemolytic anemia develops when red blood ...
RBC indices such as mean corpuscular volume ... of RBCs but also occurs under a variety of pathologic conditions Hemolytic anemia, condition in which there is marked or accelerated destruction ...
IT is known that penicillin may cause hemolytic disease in patients in whom antibodies have developed after treatment with massive doses of the antibiotic. The anemia depends on the binding of ...
A high MCHC may be due to different types of anemia. One of the main causes is hemolytic anemia. This is when red blood cells die (or are killed faster) than they are produced. When this happens ...
see in severe pernicious anemia or folic acid deficiency Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) Represents an estimate of the amount of hemoglobin in an average RBC; normal adult value is 28–32 pg of ...