Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P., reflects on John 3:16 and explain why the Fourth Sunday of Lent is different than the other ...
The light and power of Christ's death and resurrection ... The questions posed by Jesus help Peter to find reconciliation and to embrace his new mission to tend and feed the sheep.
We already know that. It is destructive in so many ways. But, Jesus would be pleased with our emphasis on hope. He brought light into the darkness of the world of his day, and our celebrations ...
As Christians, we move on this week-long journey to recall the story of Jesus, who taught about beauty and love, who challenged us to live lives of justice and peace, who was light himself.
According to a church press release, “Faith in Every Footstep” commemorated the 150th anniversary of Latter-day Saint pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley. It was included in the previous hymn books ...