Several companies are making significant strides towards commercial availability of flying cars. The post Who will win the ...
Swedish company Jetson designed the vehicle ... the same design already used for many flying-car concepts. But with a weight of only 190 pounds, it's been categorized as ultralight, meaning ...
The pipe dream of flying cars is no longer science fiction — they are here and now as both private buyers and the military ...
Jetson has implemented several safety features, including: A race car-inspired safety cell design The ability to fly safely with the loss of one motor Hands-free hover and emergency functions A ...
We are not going to have the Jetsons-type reality where everyone will be flying around everywhere in the next two to three years.” China is also vying to make flying cars a reality, a quest that ...
The revolution in air travel is here! Flying cars being developed worldwide (Upper left photo: Joby Aviation, upper right photo: Jetson / lower left: Air X, lower right: LIFT Aircraft) It's long ...
Their aircraft boasts impressive specifications, including a top speed of 124 mph and a power-to-weight ratio comparable to Formula 1 cars. The demonstration by Jetson marks a significant ...