Lucas Haag with the Kansas State University Research & Extension Office told 27 News some farmers have let their corn fields dry out purposefully prior to harvest. Multiple factors go into the ...
The corn will be ground and mixed with other ... turns around in a field in Sheridan County, Kansas, during the harvest season in mid-October. Chris Ochsner [email protected] Scott Foote and ...
20 regarding the ongoing fall harvest efforts ... Why are some corn farm fields left to dry out in Kansas? McCollum said farmers use equipment which is not meant to travel at highway speeds ...
He first entered the National Corn Growers Association’s National Yield Contest in Kansas in 2013, placing third in the state, and has entered every year afterward, winning 10 state placements ...
Wheat and corn farmers join ethanol producers to seek $5 million state tax break for retailers marketing E15 fuel, a step up ...
“In central Kansas it’s so dry that there are places where growers aren’t even going to harvest a first cutting ... Kansas have likely benefited corn, soybeans, and other summer crops.