No therapy is needed as Still’s murmur does not indicated any cardiac pathology. Heard best at the left lower sternal border, Still’s murmur is crescendo-decrescendo and low pitched thus heard ...
the murmur is best heard at the right upper sternal border and not at Erb's point. As aortic regurgitation worsens in severity, the pressure between the left ventricle and the aorta equalize much ...
THE Graham-Steell murmur was originally described in 1888. ¶ Since that time little factual information has been accumulated concerning this bruit. A search of the American literature during the ...
Typical findings in patients with ASD may include a prominent right ventricular impulse along the left sternal border, a systolic ejection murmur audible along the left upper sternal border caused ...
a Grade 3/6 diastolic blowing murmur heard best along the left sternal border, with wide transmission, thrills accompanying both murmurs and bounding, collapsing arterial pulsations. Pulses were ...
[16] The murmur associated with a PDA is best heard at the upper left sternal border and is described as a machinery-like murmur. The presence of other murmurs may assist in the differential ...