Mbilwi High School has been named the top-performing public school in Limpopo, achieving an 85.1% pass rate and 307 bachelor passes.
Mbilwi Secondary School was the top performing public school in the province, out of a total of 495 pupils, 421 passed. The school's principal Nyambeni Cedric Lidzhade, as well top achiever ...
Among the top performing public schools, Mbilwi Secondary School was leading with 307 bachelor passes, followed by Thengwe Secondary School with 234 bachelor passes and Dzata Secondary School with ...
Nzumbululo Todani (18) from Mbilwi Secondary School earned Limpopo’s top learner title for 2024 with seven distinctions.
Nelson Mandela University physics professor, Azwinndini Muronga, wrote in the Mail & Guardian about Vhembe’s remarkable performance in the 2019 national senior certificate results. Five years later, h ...