The torches illuminating the sub-zero night in Oslo, Norway, were dreamlike. With every step, the procession became larger. By the end, i ...
Shard of wooden window frame went in through Line Nersnaes chin and came out of the top of skull Civil servant, 50: 'I had a terrible headache but couldn't understand why' ...
Witnesses to the camp attack said the suspect, dressed as a policeman and identifying himself as such, appeared to be doing a security check related to the Oslo bombing. They said he used the ruse ...
OSLO -- Thirteen drawings depicting the atrocities experienced by "hibakusha" survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bombing on Aug. 6, 1945, are on display at the Nobel Peace Center's exhibit "A ...
Nuclear physicist Sakharov was one of the Soviet Union's most prominent dissidents, criticising the lack of human rights ...
One of the “youngest atomic bomb survivors” will deliver a unique message when he speaks before students at the University of Oslo on Dec. 11. Hideto Matsuura was exposed to radiation while in ...
OSLO—A hibakusha who survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima is traveling to Oslo for the Nobel Peace Prize festivities here with a book of English poetry and writings about her experience.
OSLO (Reuters) - On a cold December morning in ... and the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb who later campaigned against nuclear weapons. Authorities denied him the right to leave the country ...