Seokhee Kim and colleagues report the structure of a periplasmic fragment of the Escherichia coli integral outer-membrane protein YaeT (Omp85), which, along with four lipoproteins, makes up the E.
The new technique, high-speed in-line force mapping (HS-iFM) has been used to characterize the mechanical properties and appearance of dividing E ... also be outer-membrane protein complexes ...
The group—Christian Ganser, Shigetaka Nishiguchi, Feng-Yueh Chan, and Takayuki Uchihashi—chose the common bacteria Escherichia ... pores could also be outer-membrane protein complexes located ...
By analyzing E. coli protein levels, scientists found a surplus of membrane shuttle proteins that may play a role in ...
A Cornell University-led collaboration has uncovered the equipment that enables bacteria to survive exposure to antibiotics: a shuttling mechanism that helps a complex of proteins pump out a wide ...
During E. coli cell division, the researchers observed increased mechanical stiffening of the cell division site. The researchers hypothesize this stiffening could be due to localized membrane tension ...