A teenage girl presented to the hospital emergency department with a three-week history of intermittent frontal headache, which was worse in the morning and associated with nausea, vomiting, lethargy, ...
A 9-year-old Saudi boy was referred for further management of "papilledema ... detected about 1 disc area away from the optic nerve head in the right eye (Figure1). Of note, careful inspection ...
Papilloedema is nerve swelling at the back of the eyes ... As 50% of people with a brain tumour have no symptoms, optometrists (eye care professionals who are trained to spot abnormalities in your ...
Optic nerve Imaging to Distinguish Papilloedema from Pseudopapilloedema (DiPP study): a systematic review. Funder: UHB Above and Beyond (starts 2020) Development of primary care referral guIdelines ...
[1] It can also result from idiopathic intracranial hypertension where it is labeled "papilledema," a term that should not be used to describe bilateral, seemingly isolated, optic disc edema.