If in doubt, \(k\cos (x - \alpha )\) usually works. These worked examples show the processes you'll need to go through to rewrite an expression in this form. Write \(2\sin x^\circ + 5\cos x^\circ ...
Using a copy of [SPICE] a free circuit simulation application, I have created several sine wave sources and summed them together. Seen here, the waves combine into a square wave with it looking ...
The effects of amplitude and wave-length of cosine wave on its mechanical characteristics are ... Study on problems about contact of cylinder sine oscillating tooth transmission. Min Process Equip ...
C-Haus has created a high-speed sine-to-digital signal conditioning interpolation IC for magnetic or optical position sensors ...
Given any expression of the form \(a\cos x + b\sin x\) it is better to rewrite it into one of the forms \(k\cos (x \pm \alpha )\) or \(k\sin (x \pm \alpha )\) before answering the question.