If you and your spouse have a nice amount of money saved up, then you may decide that you'll each claim Social Security as ...
In 2025, significant changes are on the horizon for Social Security beneficiaries in the United States. From cost of living ...
For example, if your Social Security retirement benefit is expected to be $2,000 per month at full retirement age, the highest possible spousal benefit based on your work record would be $1,000.
The start of a new year usually means changes to Social Security, and this year is no different. The changes to Social ...
Waiting makes sense if you are the higher-earning spouse — but if you're claiming spousal benefits, waiting may not be the right approach.
A child’s benefits can only begin once their parent has begun receiving retirement benefits. If a parent claims Social ...
But claiming before you reach your full retirement age will reduce your ... benefits and switch to spousal benefits after your spouse applies for Social Security.) Oftentimes it makes sense ...
Social Security benefits depend on a number of things — including age, employment history, disability status and if you are a U.S. citizen. To qualify for spousal benefits while you’re married ...
Learn how the Social Security Fairness Act may increase your retirement benefits by eliminating the Windfall Elimination ...