If you and your spouse have a nice amount of money saved up, then you may decide that you'll each claim Social Security as ...
The start of a new year usually means changes to Social Security, and this year is no different. The changes to Social ...
The Social Security Fairness Act will boost benefits for 3.2M public workers once the agency can plow past multiple ...
Waiting makes sense if you are the higher-earning spouse — but if you're claiming spousal benefits, waiting may not be the right approach.
If a financially well-off individual had multiple ex-spouses, could it happen that the multiple ex-spouses could each be ...
A Social Security spousal rule that was around for decades ended this year for the last eligible retirees — those who turned 70 on Jan. 1, 2024. The rule allowed recipients to switch between ...
Qualifying for Social Security benefits in retirement generally goes something like this: Work and pay taxes on your income.
Learn how the Social Security Fairness Act may increase your retirement benefits by eliminating the Windfall Elimination ...
One positive aspect of Social Security is that the program is set up to adapt to economic changes. Each year, for example, ...
On January 5, 2025, the Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law, marking a major reform for public sector workers, ...
Over three million retirees who worked in the public sector, or are entitled to spousal or surviving spousal benefits, will ...