(Washington DC: Island Press, 1998). Pendall, R. Do land use controls cause sprawl? Environment and Planning B 26, 555-571 (1999). Porter, Douglas R. et al. The practice of sustainable development.
Journal of Transport and Land Use, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Summer 2008), pp. 5-11 (7 pages) Bruegmann, M. (2005). Sprawl: A compact history. University of Chicago Press. Crane ...
Although further expansion of urban quarters raises concerns about urban sprawl and rising rents, there is a counterintuitive ...
Using metrics like density, land use mix, and road networks, we explore which U.S. metro areas like Atlanta and Minneapolis-St. Paul lead the pack in sprawl. Find out why measuring sprawl is as ...
Lehigh Township resident Michael Hock gave a PowerPoint presentation last week on the economic and community benefits of land preservation. The program allows landowners to voluntarily sell their ...