Day One of the new Trump administration shows that comparisons between MAGA and Hitler's regime are no longer a stretch.
In this episode of WW2 Wayfinder, I return to Munich to look at more Then and Now photos that can be found around the centre of Munich and to gain an understanding of how the city appeared in 1945 ...
In 2001 Neitzel discovered a new source for researching the Third Reich and its military machine: secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war (POWs) in British and American captivity.
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Paramount Pictures has released a new trailer for a World War II-set assassination thriller titled . This movie has been ...
We get images of weaponry and soldiers, lots of soldiers ... New Images of Nazi Germany is a valuable contribution to the history of photography under the Third Reich and makes a good read for anyone ...
If the Hohenzollerns had resisted the Third Reich, then things might not have turned out differently, but the Nazi path to power would have been more complicated. The family later tried to suggest ...
It is common to describe the Third Reich as the nefandum—the unspeakable evil—to avoid mentioning the Nazis’ mass malevolence alongside anything else. But what of the paradox that Croatia, the Czech ...