Protein antigens typically elicit IgG1 and IgG3 responses ... IgG is the most abundant type of immunoglobulin in the extracellular fluid. Its ability to bind Fc receptors on phagocytic or other ...
But what determines blood type and what does that blood type mean? Blood types are determined by antigens -- a substance that triggers an immune response -- on the surface of red blood cells.
Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre has made history by successfully performing India’s first kidney transplant on a patient ...
that are not seen in other cell types. However, the exact mechanisms involved in the subcellular trafficking of antigens remain poorly understood and in some cases are controversial. Recent data ...
Cell-cell interactions help drive tolerogenic or inflammatory responses to the maelstrom of antigens passing through the gut.
It is unknown whether an initiating antigen exits in human type 1 diabetes. Central and peripheral tolerance induction mechanisms should only leave T-cells that interact with β-CAAs at ...
"Who are you?" This question, in its many variations, is almost inevitable in school applications, job interviews or introspective moments. We spend years, perhaps our entire lives, unraveling the ...