What is the market price of Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) today? The market price of Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) today is Rs 13123.3 INR/Quintal. What is the market price of Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) today for 1 Kg?
Tuck into a plateful of steaming arhar dal khichdi on a wintery day. Pick and wash the rice and the dal, and soak together in water for 1/2 an hour, at least. When the seeds splutter, add the rice and ...
At present, arhar dal is being sold in UP at ₹ 200 to ₹ 250 per kilogram, but Yogi's Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi does not know at what rate people are buying arhar dal in his state.
The market price of Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) in Agra today is Rs 10850 INR/Quintal. What is the market price of Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) in Agra today for 1 Kg? The market price of Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) in Agra ...