Dermatologists explain what kojic acid is and the benefits of using it. Shop products with kojic acid from Amazon, Target, Ulta, Dermstore and more.
Medically reviewed by Doru Paul, MD Hemosiderin staining refers to discoloration of the skin due to the buildup of ...
Sallow skin is more common than you think but it can be reversed with the right skincare routine hydration sun protection and lifestyle changes.
If you are concerned about frostbite get to a warm area. Then passively warm the area with warm water, not hot water. It ...
A 63-year-old man presented with bluish-livid discoloration of the skin over the knee joint. Fourteen years previously he had undergone primary knee replacement. Clinical examination revealed ...
Subsequent discoloration of skin occurs, with changes from deep purple to a lighter violaceous color and eventual yellow pigment over a period of days to even weeks, depending on the severity of ...
Bitter wind chills make it unsafe to be outside for long periods, increasing the risk of severe skin and tissue damage.
Your lips have thinner skin than most body parts. They're more likely to get lesions, sun damage, discoloration, and other conditions. Here are some causes of darker spots that can appear on your ...
The findings could offer hope to millions affected by the autoimmune disease, which causes visible patches of skin discoloration and carries profound emotional and physical consequences.