Theater due for a Shakes-up Prithee, shut thy Broadway programs. This cometh season Shakespeare is yet again showing life ...
Living in the city has become so expensive that couples with high income and no kids are struggling with limited liquidity ...
"You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die." Shakespeare in Love controversially won Best Picture over more impactful ...
Al Pacino spent time with some old friends, attending a 50th anniversary screening of “Dog Day Afternoon” at the American ...
In his March 1 executive order designating English as the official language of the United States, President Donald Trump ...
The 'William Tell Overture' is one of the best-known pieces of music there is - with or without the Lone Ranger. It opens a ...
Karen spoke to the Glasgow Times ahead of her new up-coming tour this May, which will see her bring some of her famous ...
LIMERICK POST reporter Alan Jacques speaks to Emmet Scanlan, who has been bringing big names to a small window in Newcastle ...
It’s astonishing, Lilian often thought, that people feel this urge to talk about themselves with a stranger, however much or ...
Itsik Manger (1901-1969) pioneered the fully modern, rhyming Purim shpil; his Yiddish Megile first appeared in Warsaw in 1936 ...