The actor took to social media to respond to some fan art of himself sporting the cape and cowl and standing ... and thus puts himself forward for the DCU’s version of Batman (which is not ...
We live in an era where superhero movies are so popular, there are two upcoming DC movies that feature different versions of ...
There are tons of upcoming DC movies and TV shows to look forward to, especially now that ... And then there's the Reeves-verse, which still has The Batman 2 in store. We understand that there's ...
The Batman star Robert Pattinson has addressed the "scent of [Batman's] cowl" and reveals which of the previous Bruce Wayne actors smelt the best after trying on their masks. You can find out more ...
What it's about: Bruce Wayne puts on the cape and cowl again to face The Penguin ... while Two-Face and The Riddler attempt to discover Batman's true identity. What it's about: The Caped Crusaders ...
“Creature Commandos” penultimate episode, titled “Priyatel Skelet,” revealed a brief first look at what the DCU Batman could like. Check out the image below via Max. “[Batman] already ...
Pressed for reactions to Donald Trump’s pardons for Jan. 6 criminals, including violent felons, many congressional Republicans have at least tried to adopt a forward-thinking posture. For ...