Melissa Agnew will replace Lori Elliott, who is moving to Boyd Elementary, as the new principal for Disney Elementary.
EAST GREENWICH, R.I. (WLNE) –The East Greenwich School Committee said it unanimously approved for a leave of absence and ...
Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. is seeking community input to help decide what the name will be for the district’s new westside elementary school.
She goes beyond traditional library expectations, using song and dance to engage students and create a joyful environment of ...
I truly believe that education is the key to finding one’s purpose (and) that with it, there are no limits to what one can achieve,” she said.
Brenham ISD is represented in nine of the 12 award categories, with multiple finalists in several divisions. The awards program, organized by the Brazos Valley Educators’ Society, recognizes the best ...