By marking trainable=True, we tell our optimizer that this node's content can be changed by the optimizer. For functions, Trace uses decorators like @bundle to wrap over Python functions. A bundled ...
A wide pulse pressure is when the difference between the top number (systolic) and bottom number (diastolic) of your blood pressure reading is more than 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) apart. It is ...
Charley Rattan, Upskilling, advising and informing the global energy transition. Charley heads Charley Rattan Associates, a team of seasoned trainers and advisors driving forwards the energy ...
At your regular eye exam, one thing your eye doctor always checks is your intraocular pressure. That's the pressure inside your eyes. It gives an important picture of your eye health and can find ...
Once you enter this world, you need to remember you're disposable. You have to survive a series of hallways, collecting documents while avoiding demise by the monsters lurking in corners, like in ...
Japan's Finance Minister, Katsunobu Kato, said on Thursday that the end of deflation has not yet been achieved. Kato further stated that he sees inflationary conditions as prices continue to rise ...
Blood pressure medications are usually taken for life. However, some people can stop taking them by addressing those underlying causes of high blood pressure (hypertension) that can be changed, such ...
Vision changes, mental health issues, and sensory impairment are just a few of the complications you may experience with MS. However, not everyone with MS will have complications. Multiple ...
1 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia 2 NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Nursing, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Nathan, Queensland, ...
The optimal performance of the cardiovascular system, as well as the break-down of this performance with disease, both involve complex biomechanical interactions between the heart, conduit vascular ...
1 Institute for Health and Social Policy, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Objective We evaluated the exposure–response associations between personal exposure to air pollution from biomass stoves ...