Can’t we all just get along? Apparently not. Rep. Dean Urdahl, R-Acton Township, who represents Meeker County and part of McLeod County, including half of Hutchinson, told us recently that the ...
My wife hates fart jokes. I think they are hilarious. How do I proceed? Passan Gassé Dear Passan Gassé, Divorce? Just kidding, just kidding. While this question is kind of a joke itself, I think ...
Read quotes about strength during hard times, quotes about strength and courage, quotes about strength and love, and more for ...
Nothing beats that beautiful feeling of being in a loving relationship (or even a new one) that has lots of potential. And ...
And that’s before we get to the film’s frustratingly cloying “Can’t we all just get along?” political message, which begs us to remember to see the good in each other while doing ...
But just as important, she’s an evangelist for ... seems too preposterous to imagine. We can’t conceptualize it. So we avoid thinking about it or preparing for it. We tell ourselves ...
One of the songs in constant rotation at his endlessly delayed rallies that year was "You Can’t Always Get ... just as surely represents the collective decision of just enough Americans: We ...
Most people should get auto insurance quotes that include comprehensive and collision coverage. These coverages pay for damage to your car and are often part of a full coverage policy. Otherwise, your ...