Within the animal kingdom, mussels are masters of underwater adhesion. The marine mollusks cluster atop rocks and along the ...
It’s hard to get glue to work underwater – unless you’re a mussel. Scientists have now created a new adhesive that combines ...
Researchers have created a bioinspired adhesive that combines mussel-derived stickiness with mucus proteins that prevent ...
Proteins are connected by chemical bonds, also known as cross-links ... Interestingly, mucin, a big protein that is the main ...
Every surface in our bodies not covered in skin is lined with a protective layer of mucus – a slimy network of proteins that acts as a physical barrier against bacteria and other infectious agents. In ...
Scientists explore Lost City, in the Atlantic, where chemical reactions in hydrothermal vents could explain the origin of ...
Wood particleboard furniture is affordable and generally easy to assemble, but particleboard is often held together with ...
New research reveals that a common antibacterial chemical, triclosan ... and the risk of developing breast cancer in adult women: a cross-sectional study. Image Credit: Mouse family / Shutterstock ...
Driven by the viral #SephoraKids social media trend, girls using damaging anti-aging products. A pediatrician explains the risks and offers tips to counter them.