How do some animals migrate thousands of miles with perfect accuracy, even across vast landscapes? Scientists believe these ...
Archers Post, Kenya - February 24, 2025 A team of veterinarians from the United States and the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), ...
CoV-2, has been discovered in China. This virus can bind to the same human receptor (ACE2) as the COVID-19 virus, which ...
In adorable lab footage, one of the rodents opens an unconscious partner's mouth and pulls its tongue aside to clear its ...
Virtual field trips bring the world to online classrooms, offering students the chance to explore landmarks, nature, and ...
"Scorpion fossils are not as common as people might think," Huang noted. Before the discovery of Jeholia longchengi, only ...
The findings confirm that the Great Wall of China was not built in one go but developed over centuries by different dynasties ...
So far, there are no cases where HKU5-CoV-2 infection has been passed from bats to humans. Experts say despite the virus’ ...
Ancient India's land ethic—reflected in Kautilya’s Arthashastra—balanced military, economic, and religious priorities to ...
Fossil evidence from North China indicates that certain ecosystems may have rebounded within just two million years after the ...
Wildlife trafficking is the fourth-largest source of illicit revenue globally after drugs, human smuggling and counterfeit ...
Researchers in China are exploring space breeding, using seeds sent to the Moon to create more durable and productive crops.