Nearly 11 million Ukrainians have been forced from their homes since the start of the full-scale invasion in February 2022, but with the support of UNHCR, people are proving their resilience. The ...
They took note of other efforts to galvanise international action and attention on the humanitarian situation in Sudan, including the High-Level Humanitarian Conference for the People of Sudan ...
"Fighting in Sudan continues to kill and injure civilians and destroy hospitals, markets and other essential infrastructure.
The Second Meeting of States Parties decided that States would hold focused discussions on this matter in the context of the informal working group on Articles 6 and 7 of the treaty, with a view to ...
The Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for Sudan aims to reach nearly 21 million vulnerable people with life-saving aid and protection. This is the highest number of people in any UN-coordinated ...
According to the UN, as the conflict rages on, thousands continue to flee every day. The majority arrive in an extremely ...
Mai Mala Buni, Yobe State Governor and Chairman, Lake Chad Basin Governors' Forum at the weekend had discussions with ...
GENEVA – Nearly two years of conflict have fueled a catastrophic protection crisis and displaced a staggering 12 million people in Sudan and across borders.Fighting continues to kill and injure ...