The City of Windsor will hire a transportation consultant to find both short and long-term solutions to enhance access to the ...
Shaun Wilson, the park manager, stated that the storm water drain could have been redirected to the nearby watercourse to prevent road erosion.
Capstone Quadrangle has plans for a more than 290,000-square-foot warehouse and multitenant building in Germantown. The ...
The industrial-park site’s concept drawing presented by Dobish envisions nine bays for Fire Department vehicles opening south onto Francis, with the building’s main entrance opening east ...
A developer has sold a new industrial unit in Stonehouse, Stroud, to private investors for more than £3.7m, reflecting a net initial yield of 5.43 per cent.
You’ve probably seen Justus Roe’s murals around Chicago.
A developer wanted to build a downtown high-rise in honor of coal. It failed, but Lexington is getting a new-and-improved ...
Travelers Rest city will weigh annexation of The Inn at Altamont on Paris Mountain. Steve Shaw, Southern Environmental Law ...
Plans have been put before the local authority to turn an industrial facility into a gym, complete with a cafe and function room.
It’s now a haven for wildlife, especially waterfowl including geese, herons, grebes, cormorants, coots and a variety of ducks attracted to the mill ponds and wetlands, while Sand martins and ...