TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, BALIKPAPAN – Di balik jeruji, semangat berkarya warga binaan Rutan Kelas II A Balikpapan tak pernah padam. Salah satunya adalah Zukiman, warga binaan yang mengasah bakat seni lukisnya ...
But on Friday, Proulx stood before her largest work yet: a 62-metre-long mural that spans nearly an entire downtown block. *Billed as $4 plus GST every four weeks. Offer only available to new and ...
When New York street artist Andaluz finished his Costa Mesa mural honoring Kobe Bryant, his daughter, Gianna, and seven others who lost their lives in a Jan. 26, 2020, helicopter crash ...
“There’s always a few athletes that cross over into almost superhero world,” said an artist whose mural became a site of mourning when the N.B.A. star died in a helicopter crash. By Emmanuel ...
Protesters last night vandalised murals of Sheikh Mujib, known as Bangabandhu, and his wife Fazilatunnesa Mujib installed at the Deputy Commissioner's (DC) office, and AL's district office using ...
salah satunya adalah mural 3D yang tampak begitu nyata. Seorang seniman berbakat berhasil menciptakan ilusi optik luar biasa di dinding bangunan, ialah Jan Is De Man. Dengan permainan warna, bayangan, ...
The Beatles performed in Peterborough twice during the 1960s and stayed in a hotel in the city A mural that celebrates two occasions when The Beatles performed in a city has been completed on a ...
5 Tips Rumah Minimalis Modern Pasangan Baru Jadi Hunian, tren hunian mengalami perubahan signifikan, terutama di kalangan ...
A non-profit organization well known for transforming blank walls and public spaces across Vancouver into canvases for murals and organizing an annual summertime event has now painted its final stroke ..., Jakarta Rak buku dinding tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan buku, tetapi juga bisa menjadi elemen dekoratif yang memperindah ruangan. Selain memudahkan kamu dalam merapikan ...