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Frustrated with the absence of positive representations of Black people in art, John Wilson responded by providing images of Black dignity while addressing the painful realities of racial prejudice.
Some of our last hours were spent watching an English chef cook on a seemingly endless Spanish holiday. We savored it ...
You can do one of three things with your pain: run from it (denial, compartmentalization), drown in it (rumination) or make ...
Sometimes the recognition of self and other is uncanny, even disturbing. In 1903, a criminal named Will West arrived at ...
Again,” my father said, arms crossed, as he stood in front of a 2012 Toyota Camry. I was 17, sitting in the driver’s seat, ...
The film follows Remi and Akin, two young brothers, who spend a gift of a day with their estranged father Folarin (played by ...
Tim Ellrich's black-and-white narrative feature debut was inspired by his own family's experiences and shot on location at his childhood home – and he cast a non-actor to play a schizophrenic ...
Being an immigrant under President Donald Trump’s new term has sparked complicated emotions for me, ranging from anger to ...
Chiara Mastroianni visits Criterion Closet, honoring her father by selecting some of his work like 'Divorce Italian Style.' ...
Rajya Sabha MP Sudha Murthy and her daughter Akshata Murthy discussed parenting at the Jaipur Literature Festival with former ...
THROUGHOUT the 1930s, facism appeared to be taking over Europe and the Second World War loomed on the horizon.  So when a far right coup threatened ...