The church, at 345 Seventh St. on the city's West Side, had been slated to close after talks about parish mergers last summer ...
Having had their federal funding cut, local refugee resettlement agencies are turning to other organizations and volunteers to get homes ready for refugees. Ten Presbyterian churches in Niagara County ...
Holy Cross Church on Buffalo's West Side evades closure following a counterproposal granting it remain open from the Diocese ...
Trustees of All Saints Roman Catholic Church Society of Buffalo accepted the offer in August, according to court papers. Under New York State’s religious corporations law, a State Supreme court ...
It is moslem aggression and colonzation. Taking over Christian sites and converting them to mosques. When moHammad moves into a Christian church, it becomes just another building.
New York. A mass of Christian burial will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in St. Gregory the Great Church, 200 St. Gregory Court, Buffalo.
The proposal to create the nation’s first religious charter school paid for by taxpayer funds could move the line between church and state ... of the presidency. New York Times v.
THURSDAY, FEB. 5 Bookworm Buddies, a program for 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children, will meet at 10 a.m. Thursdays through March 26, at the Hutchinson Public Library, 50 Hassan St.
the church is all but abandoned at this point. No new owner could neglect the building any further than it’s been over the past five years under Heckl’s ownership. She has become no better ...
One local parish in the City of Buffalo has won its counterproposal challenge with the Buffalo Catholic Diocese to remain open in the West Side neighborhood. Read more from WBEN: ...
The Buffalo Fire Department first got the call of a partial first-floor collapse at North Gate Christian Community, located ...
Buffalo Township’s John Hughes, clad in a red-and-white, heart-covered Hawaiian shirt, went to Zion Methodist Church with a mission Saturday night. “I’m just here to dance and have fun and ...