If you are borrowing or renting a book, use removable colored tape. Highlighting without clarifying the purpose of the highlight (such as writing notes in the margin) has proven to be dramatically ...
allowing you to attach notes to any highlighted text in your e-book. Once you click the side panel button a side panel pops out. But you can't start writing yet, you need to highlight some text. Once ...
Author Rebe Huntman compares the process of building to writing when it comes to piecing together a memoir. Includes an incomplete list of materials to try as you build your memoir.
I tried the latest slates from Amazon, Kobo, Remarkable and more. Which one ranks as the top option for notes?
To prepare for law school, improve your written communication skills by following this advice: Take better notes. Write succinctly. Clarify your assumptions. Don't show off. The writers of the ...
Almost 200 news stories promoted the idea that we remember things better when we write them down by hand instead of typing. It confirmed what many of us instinctively feel. That’s why I still take ...
That book was followed by a second memoir ... Didion addresses many of those same themes in the writing collected in “Notes to John,” according to her trustees and publisher.