Around 4 in every 10 cancer patients taking chemotherapy are affected with severe peripheral nerve pain (neuropathy). Platinum-based drugs like taxanes and lung cancer are linked to higher rates ...
Worldwide, cancer chemotherapy is linked to persistent severe peripheral nerve pain (neuropathy) for around four in every 10 patients treated with these drugs, suggests a pooled data analysis of the ...
Four in every 10 cancer patients treated with chemotherapy develop severe peripheral ... risk for nerve pain, and lung cancer patients seem to have the highest rates of neuropathy, results show.
The causal relationship of liver disease to neuropathy has been questioned. This study was designed to evaluate the incidence and character of peripheral neuropathy in patients with liver cirrhosis.
reports on the effectiveness of peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS ... The MONARCHâ„¢ (Multicenter Occipital Neuralgia and Cervicogenic Headache) study was designed to collect prospective data ...
understanding the global prevalence of chronic painful neuropathy in CIPN is critical," the researchers wrote. Of the 10,962 people in the study with peripheral nerve pain after chemotherapy ...
Some diseases producing liver dysfunction can independently cause peripheral neuropathy. Hence, a cause and effect relationship between liver disease and neuropathy has been questioned.
Furthermore, a novel 3D MR neurography sequence, known as 3D CRANI, has been validated for visualizing cranial and occipital ... of MRI in peripheral nerve evaluation[4]. Peripheral Neuropathy ...