How likely are you to look out your airplane window and see a jet engine on fire? And how alarmed should you be if you see ...
Jet engines operate by setting fire to fuel. So when it's rainy out, how is it that jets can still fly? Why doesn't the rain ...
Utilizing the initial test work done by NASA, General Electric (GE) began developing its own Unducted Fan Engine (UDF), the GE36, in 1982. Promising a 30% reduction in fuel burn without decreasing ...
Pratt & Whitney secured a three-year contract to sustain the F119 engines which power the U.S. Air Force's F-22 fleet. Pratt ...
Aircraft maintenance operates within precise disciplinary boundaries. Aircraft start their stories before they lift off into ...
P&W and GE successfully passed the Detailed Design Review of their offerings for the U.S. Air Force's next generation NGAP ...