Both Blackthorn and Cherry Plum can be seen this month. Blackthorn trees have clouds of snow-white ... Rosemary requires minimal pruning and attention. It is hardy enough to survive the winter ...
Pruning a fig tree annually is the gardener's secret to maintaining a happy and healthy tree. It promotes fruit production ...
Can I reduce the height of my apple trees so all the fruit is within reach without a ladder? Is this a good time to prune apple and other fruit trees?
Redbuds are deciduous trees adored for their pink or white spring flowers and unique heart-shaped leaves. Pruning helps keep ...
Proper pruning cuts do not leave stubs which won’t heal and will lead to problems. For larger limbs and branches make a flush ...
I sat down with Russell Norton a horticulture and agriculture educator with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and started by asking him: why do we prune?
Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as ...
As we slowly make out way through winter, gardeners are being warned to remain vigilant this month for certain pests and ...
Thought you were all done with gardening chores for the winter? Not so fast. Now is the perfect time to prune your trees and ...
Azaleas are hardy here, and so are likely to survive the recent freeze. Wait until spring, when new growth emerges, to prune ...