Feb. 12, 1875, shortly before 10:30 p.m., “one of the most brilliant meteors of modern times illuminated the entire State of ...
It was a respectable tenure, but the world’s oldest known meteorite site is no longer western Australia’s 2.2 ...
This post was updated Feb. 28 at 2:10 p.m. Jason Utas has long been in the craft of buying and selling meteorites. But Utas – ...
Curtin University researchers have discovered the world's oldest known meteorite impact crater ... the Pilbara region of Western Australia—and found evidence of a major meteorite impact 3.5 ...
Earth’s oldest meteorite impact crater was just found in WA’s Pilbara region – exactly where geologists hoped it would be. We have discovered the oldest meteorite impact crater on Earth, in the very ...
The discovery of a massive crater formed by the impact of a meteorite more than three billion ... Researchers in Australia found the crater in Western Australia's Pilbara region and believe ...
SUNBURY — A Sunbury resident recently acquitted of attempted homicide in November is in jail after city police say he threatened to kill a woman. Francky Riche, 33, of 4th Street, was arrested ...
The team investigated rock layers in the North Pole Dome "and found evidence of a major meteorite impact 3.5 billion years ago". "Before our discovery, the oldest impact crater was 2.2 billion ...
MANILA, Philippines — After over a year of wooing a German astronomer, a group of Filipino space enthusiasts has successfully brought back two Philippine meteorites they plan to donate to the ...
A toddler kidnapped from her father’s home in Connecticut has been found safe 25 years later in Mexico, authorities said Wednesday. Andrea Michelle Reyes was snatched from her father’s New ...