Banjir Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, hingga Rabu 29 Januari 2025 pagi masih merendam 1.000 rumah di dua kecamatan. ( Iqbal) Samarinda, Beritasatu ...
Sebanyak 47 rumah yang berada di RT 1 yang terdampak, sedangkan 16 rumah yang mengalami kerusakan berat sisanya rusak ringan akibat tanah gerak di Pasuruan ...
Harga di jual cepat rumah dua lantai siap huni di villa bogor indah 5. lt.198 / lb.162 Rp 1,8 Miliar Harga rumah tipe hook, di sentul city park ville area cbd. hunian eksklusif luas tanah 97 m² Rp 1,5 ...
“Up the Junction 1968 is more than a film, it is an uncanny collage of images and sounds that commands our attention”, Ellie Hunt discusses class, sexuality and womanhood in Collinson’s “Up The ...
Caitlin Grigg-Williams explores the intricate beauty and fleeting marvel of snowflakes, examining the science behind their unique formations and the role these icy masterpieces play in the magic of a ...