That's what some investors, after the little known Chinese startup DeepSeek released a chatbot that experts say holds its own ...
Finanšu izlūkošanas dienests (FID) ir atļāvis izsolīt starptautiskajām sankcijām pakļautā Krievijas pilsoņa Dmitrija Mazepina uzņēmumiem piederošos minerālmēslus, kas tiek uzglabāti SIA "Riga ...
Today she lives at a marina at Hope Island, paying $930 a month to berth her boat. "That is cheaper than any place I could possibly rent on land … and it includes power and water," Ms Frost said.
Rīgā automazgātavas būvniecības dēļ Eksporta ielā plāno nocirst deviņus kokus, liecina informācija Rīgas pašvaldības mājaslapā. Plānotās būvniecības dēļ, Eksporta ielā 20A paredzēts cirst vienu ošlapu ...
Marina Khidekel founded Hugimals World as an answer to her own anxiety. She spends her Sundays watching “Hacks,” hanging out with other female founders and dropping in at a factory. By Lia ...