gadsimta beigām. Kā norādīts pieteikumā aizsargātu ģeogrāfiskās izcelsmes norāžu reģistrā, Aglonas maizes veistūklis ir rudzu maize, kurā iecepts žāvēts cūkas speķis un sīpoli, veidojot vīstokli.
Farmers experience poor harvests yearly because they plant maize varieties unsuitable for their regions. It's advisable to test a new variety on a small plot, observing its growth and production. Once ...
The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has issued an alert after a bacterial disease on maize was detected in some provinces. The disease, called Goss’s Wilt ...
Nebraskensis) on maize in four provinces. Goss’s Wilt is a bacterial disease, and there are no recorded fungicides that work against it. It can be managed by planting highly resistant maize ...
Timely and accurate pre-harvest estimates of maize yield are vital for agricultural management. Although many remote sensing approaches have been developed to estimate maize yields, few have been ...
Thus, in a three-year field experiment, the performance of maize/soybean strip intercropping system differing with maize plant density (6 maize plants m-2, low, D1; 8 maize plants m-2, medium, D2; and ...
“Stockmann” nopērkami 18 veidi uz vietas ceptas maizes, tiesa, pārdevēja pastāstīja, ka veikals klaipiņus no maizes ražotājiem saņem sasaldētus, izcep savās krāsnīs un piedāvā pircējiem. “Stockmann” ...
Gan mūsu lasītāji, gan arī paši maiznieki un pētnieki piekrīt – rudzu maize pēdējos gadu desmitos ir mainījusies. Iemeslu ir daudz, un, visticamāk, arī nākotnē izmaiņas maizes cepšanas nozarē ietekmēs ...