Valsts policija uz Siguldas šosejas par braukšanu 2,7 promiļu reibumā un būtisku ātruma pārkāpumu aizturējusi kādu ...
As of Monday, the 10th of February, passengers on the train connection Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn will have to transfer only once – ...
Valsts augstākās amatpersonas mums sola darīt visu iespējamo, lai mazinātu birokrātiju. Tas nozīmētu arī vairāk izmantot datu bāzes un digitālas sistēmas, mazāk šurpu turpu sūtīt papīrus. Bet kā parād ...
Johannes Lochner of Germany overtook Francesco Friedrich in the second heat Sunday and won a four-man World Cup race for the ...
Brad Hall and Taylor Lawrence returned to the World Cup two-man bobsleigh podium after finishing second in Sigulda, Latvia, in December Great Britain claimed bronze medals in both the two-man and ...
Janine Flock of Austria has won the women's World Cup skeleton championship for the third time in her career, and Matt Weston of Britain clinched the men's skeleton overall title for the second ...
Marcus Wyatt of Britain was second with 1,557 and Christopher Grotheer of Germany — who missed a race at Sigulda, Latvia, on Dec. 13 and likely lost the title because of that absence ...
Latvijas vadošā kalnu slēpotāja Dženifera Ģērmane pēc decembrī veiktās ceļgala operācijas nenoteiktu laiku nestartēs sacensībās. Sieviešu konkurencē no Latvijas startēs olimpiete Liene Bondare, kā arī ...
Yaroslav Lavreniuk, a 17-year-old Ukrainian skeleton athlete, has won a bronze medal at the European Junior Championships in Sigulda, Latvia. Source: Champion, a sports news platform within Ukrainska ...
The four final scheduled dates run across August and feature two dates in Bergen, Norway, as well as slots in Sigulda, Latvia and Sofia in Bulgaria. Tickets go on sale this Friday (January 31 ...
Latvenergo attīsta Elektrum Drive pakalpojumu eksportu Baltijā, atklājot lielāko elektromobiļu uzlādes parku Igaunijā. Tallinas centrā izbūvētas 30 uzlādes vietas ar vienlaicīgu uzlādes iespēju 51 ...