If you and your spouse have a nice amount of money saved up, then you may decide that you'll each claim Social Security as soon as you're able to — meaning, at age 62. And if you're the same age, that ...
The bad news is that you'll lose spousal benefits once you're no longer married, but you could be entitled to a different ...
This little-known restricted application rule can significantly boost retirement income for surviving spouses.
Spouses and divorced spouses can sometimes qualify for special types of Social Security. There are some strict requirements to receive divorce benefits. If your spouse or ex-spouse passes away ...
The start of a new year usually means changes to Social Security, and this year is no different. The changes to Social ...
Switching from one type of Social Security benefit to another is possible for some married people, but mind the rules.
The changes to Social Security retirement benefits and changes that affect workers still paying into the program often get the most attention, but spousal benefits see changes too. If you're ...
For your clients, losing a family member can be a difficult time. Not only have they lost a loved one, they may have also lost a major contributor to the family’s income. This can present ...
With that rule no longer in effect, you need to find other strategies to maximize your spousal benefits. Here are three things you should do: Making the most of Social Security spousal benefits ...
The WEP reduced Social Security benefits for those who received government retirement or disability pensions, while the GPO pared down spousal benefits for those who received pensions. If those ...